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WannaWhisky is an online marketplace to buy and sell whisky.
Private sellers can create advertisements.
Everyone can contact each other via private messaging. 

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WannaWhisky is an online marketplace to buy and sell whisky. Private sellers can create advertisements here for their whisky. Everyone can contact each other via private messaging. Agreed on a price? Finalize the transaction wherever and however you want.

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Spotted an interesting bottle? Then it’s time to talk to the seller. Every whisky ad has a big, black button to immediately contact the seller. 

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Our built-in messaging system enables anonymous, private messaging until you both agree on the details of your transaction. Payment and transportation can be taken care of without WannaWhisky‘s participation or inclusion, which also means there are no additional costs or fees for selling a bottle.

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Interesting for Enthusiasts and Investors Trading in Exclusive Whiskies

From whisky lovers that seek to enjoy the taste of whisky to investors focused on its monetary value: trading in whisky is interesting for everyone. The value of whisky rises as it ages. This is true when it comes to how long it has aged in casks, but it’s certainly also true when it comes to a whisky’s age after having been bottled. 

This certainty in value growth makes whisky a very interesting investment object. Many private sellers purchase certain whiskies with the explicit intent to sell them at a profit a few years down the line. And who can blame them? Some whiskies’ value has increased by over 15% per year; that means it doubles its value in just five years.

Are you interested in investing in whisky? Then check out advertisements that other collectors have created. Or create your own advertisement and find a buyer on WannaWhisky.

About Us A Story of Whiskies & Wannahaves

What started out with just enjoying a whisky every once in a while quickly expanded to a rather large whisky collection. Throughout the years I’ve gotten to know a lot of people in the whisky world, which made my collection grow even more.

In fact, it had grown sufficiently large that I had to start selling a few bottles. This meant I needed a platform to sell my whiskies. I soon found out that the number of websites where you can trade whiskies is rather limited. Many websites enable auctions, but charge hefty fees, whereas others are just not very up-to-date or user-friendly. 

It was in that moment that I decided to start WannaWhisky: an online platform to buy and sell exclusive whisky bottles. Not just my bottles can be found here, you can also add your whiskies. No hidden costs or fees, always up-to-date, and no third-party advertisements.

Sláinte, Roy